Monday, April 8, 2019


Written for Chinese antiques found at thrift shop

Gilt thrush perches in moongate frame,
Observes realm beyond hairpin's end,
Silver blooms hang as lengths of chain,
Forever sway o'er ink black strands

Butterfly wings inlaid with blue,
From feather beds fluorescent,
Quiver atop old Quing buyao,
Forever sway o'er ink black strands

Far from mirrored dressing table,
I cradle treasures in my hands,
Filigree transmits whiff of fable,
Forever sways o'er ink black strands

Laura Stickney 2019


Buyaos are Chinese hair ornaments

Kingfisher bird feathers were used
to decorate hair ornaments

Quing Dynasty ruled China from 

photograph by Laura Stickney

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I really like this ode to jewelry. "whiff of fable"
