Antique spooner arrives
Boxed and wound
In bubble wrap--
I peel away blistered plastic,
A stemmed vessel emerges:
Raised decoration of strawberries
Adorn one curve of goblet,
Blackberries grace adjacent side.
I lift glass to sunlight,
Look through form--
Clear designs layer
Over one another
Like companion plants
In my garden--
Where tall brambles protect
Low-lying red berries,
Heart shaped fruits
Insulate rubus roots,
And each are kin
To the rose--
Laura Stickney 2024
Spooner-- 19th century glassware
Rubus--A genus of flowering plants
that includes blackberries
photograph of antique Dalzell & Gilmore
glass spooner, c. 1880, by Laura Stickney
Love! xoxo